Let Your Health Lead Your Work

If you are still exchanging the bulk of your meals, sleep, and exercise for work. As much as we can understand the short-term gratification, but in the long run, you will most likely burn out or, worst yet, deteriorate your health.

Even as the work situation in Singapore normalizes this Covid-19 period, we decided that we all need a much-needed reminder to take action to live a balanced and healthier life. It is said that health is wealth. The adage is true to a great extent. Without good health, we would not be able to do anything. Taking care of work, chores, and kids would become impossible if we struggled with health conditions all of the time.

One of the most common excuses people cite for not being in good shape relates to not having the time or the energy to do what it takes to be healthy. It is particularly true of working professionals. Here are eight things employees can do regularly to ensure they stay healthy.

1. Drink plenty of water.

Being immersed in work means losing track of how much water you’re drinking in a day. However, it's crucial that you drink enough to stay hydrated and active.

2. Maintain good posture.

Maintaining good posture all day requires conscious effort. Most employees, who use computers, stare into their screen for hours on end, resulting in stiff shoulders and hunch backs.

3. Get up and move.

There is no escaping exercise when it comes to being healthy. We are designed for movement and to be active instead of being statuesque. How do we exercise when we are stuck in the office? Going out for lunch and not eating at your desk is one of many solutions. It will help you de-stress, improves circulation, and refresh yourself.

4. Take frequent breaks.

We always want to finish our work so we can get out of the office on time. However, this does not mean that you should sit at your work station for hours at a stretch and not allow yourself a break. You may think that taking a break is disruptive, but taking well-planned breaks can be more on the product spectrum.

5. Keep your workstation clean.

It is extremely important to keep your workstation clean and orderly. Being hygienic goes a long way in keeping you healthy.

6. Learn to manage stress.

Most of us lead hectic lives, especially when we are juggling several roles and responsibilities daily that leave us exhaust. After all, we’re only human. The key to making life easier is by learning to manage stress. A great way to beat stress is to do the things you enjoy. This can include spending time with family or friends, watching movies, reading books, and going to the gym or the spa. The idea is to relax your mind by taking care of yourself and achieving a healthy balance.


Staying in good health requires effort. Good health and fitness can't be achieved overnight, which is why it is important to incorporate certain habits into your daily routine. This will require commitment and discipline, but it will reap long-term benefits in terms of mental and physical well-being.


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